Five Weeks of Leeks: Week 1, The What, Where and How of Wild Leeks
It’s Spring in Kane (snow and all!) and that means leek season is here! There is a leek culture here like nowhere else and we want to celebrate it. So, for the next five weeks we will be highlighting the wild leek! (For those not familiar with leeks, they are also called “ramps” in other parts of the nation.)
For week 1 we wanted to get the what, where and how of the wild leek, so we covered the basics with former 4th grade teacher Bob James: What is a leek? Why do they grow here? How have they been used over time?
Watch the video below to have these questions and more answered by Mr. James!
Click here to watch the video!

Leeks, leeks, leeks! Join us next week to see all the specials our local restaurants are making using LEEKS!