Kane Business BINGO 2020

Tomorrow (Saturday, 11/28) starts Kane Business BINGO! We have 24 businesses and 1 FREE space that makes up a BINGO card. Here’s how it works:

    • When you go into any of those businesses or make a donation to the non-profits listed, they will put a stamp on their name on your BINGO card. Once you get BINGO (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) you drop off or mail in that BINGO card to the Chamber office to be entered to win a $50 Kane gift certificate.
    • There is a place to pick up new BINGO cards or leave completed cards at the Chamber office after hours. BINGO cards are also available online.
    • There are 3 versions of BINGO cards (Click on each card number to view or print: BINGO Card 1, BINGO Card 2, BINGO Card 3)
    • You can submit as many cards as you want. The more you shop in Kane, the more chances you have to win!
    • BINGO runs from 11/28 – 12/23 and a winner will be drawn on 12/24.
