Cocktails at Christmas at the Kane Manor Inn
Kane Manor Inn 230 Clay Street, Kane, PA, United StatesFridays in December from 4-8pm. Live music and cocktails!
Fridays in December from 4-8pm. Live music and cocktails!
This week is kielbasa, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, applesauce and a dessert by the Kane Community Methodist Church; Call 814-837-7120 by Tuesday to reserve your meal this week. There is no […]
Join our class for some tie-dying fun! You’ll need all your clearances so if you haven’t turned them in yet, talk to Miss Lisa about getting them!
This week is hot dog, baked beans, chips and no bakes. Call 814-837-7120 by Tuesday at noon to reserve your meal this week. There is no charge, but donations are […]
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