Chicken Salad Sandwich, macaroni and cheese and pudding! Call 814-837-7120 by Tuesday at noon to reserve your meal for this week!
Book- Just the Nicest Guest; $10 and includes a drink of choice, and a shareable charcuterie board. All ages are welcome. Call 814-837-7566 to join us!
Join Jillian Chittester for a morning of understanding macronutrients and leaving with a meal plan that works for you. What you are putting in your body is not always about […]
Bring a friend!
Tomato Soup, crackers, peanut butter and honey sandwich and a brownie! Call 814-837-7120 by Tuesday at noon to reserve your meal for this week!
Rigatoni and homemade sauce with Italian sausage, side salad and garlic bread. Call 814-837-7566 for reservations.
Youth program for ages 6-10 through games and hands on activities. Explore the fascinating world of mammal feet and tracks! Presenter: Lorraine Jacobs of the PSU Extension in McKean County
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