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Becoming a Member

Membership benefits center around networking, marketing, advertising, referrals, brochure distribution, and employee savings. Inquiries received at the Kane Chamber of Commerce are always referred first to our members. Member brochures or flyers are displayed in our office kiosk on a regular rotating basis.

We encourage you to give serious consideration to align your business with many of our area’s strongest businesses and organizations. Once you have made the decision to join or rejoin, please complete the membership application. Dues are based on business type and employee count.

Reasons to become a member of the Kane Chamber of Commerce:

The Kane Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit, voluntary membership corporation that works to promote local businesses, supports new and existing businesses, and welcomes new members of the community and tourists passing through. The Chamber is open to the public and can answer questions about our community and provide other services.

Business Promotion:

Business Promotion:

The Chamber office displays business pamphlets and/or business cards for members. Members are also listed on the website and are part of the membership directory, a full-color publication provided to local lodging and real estate agents, as well as the hospital and local corporations for recruiting purposes.

Email updates:

Email updates:

The Chamber provides information via email regarding loan and grant information, community projects open to Chamber members, new Chamber initiatives, and more… It is a great way to maintain a connection with community happenings and available opportunities.

Discounts on Chamber events.

Discounts on Chamber events.

The Chamber hosts a variety of community and networking events. Some of the networking and informational events have a small admission fee. However, as a Chamber member, your fee is discounted or waived, depending on the event.

Access to Chamber video conferencing equipment and meeting space.

Access to Chamber video conferencing equipment and meeting space.

Through a grant from the county, we recently received a TV screen and video camera that makes teleconferences easy. As a Chamber member, you are welcome to schedule times to come and use the equipment at the Chamber office. We also have a small conference table you can reserve for meetings.


Dues contribute to exciting projects in Kane.

Dues contribute to exciting projects in Kane.

In addition to supporting the Chamber of Commerce, your dues go toward supporting initiatives like the town branding project and free community events like parades and ribbon cuttings.

Networking Opportunities:

Networking Opportunities:

Your membership allows you to network at a variety of events, including: 

  • Business After Hours- Networking event hosted monthly by a different Chamber business to highlight products and services that business offers. Great networking opportunity!
  • Eggs & Issues- Bi-monthly breakfast and presentation on relevant topics
  • Lunch & Learn- Bi-monthly lunch and presentation on relevant topics
Community Events:

Community Events:

Chamber membership helps you stay up-to-date on upcoming events for planning purposes, such as: 

  • Homecoming Parade
  • Election Day Soup Luncheon
  • Santa Parade
  • Citizen of the Year Banquet
  • Women’s Luncheon
  • Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies

Board Members

Jillian Chittester, President

Owner, Lobo Fitness & Root Bar

Courtney Dangelo

CFO, Custom Built Manufacturing, LLC

Andrea Lanich, Secretary

Co-Owner, The Laughing Owl Press

Jody Greenawalt, Treasurer

Co-Owner of CJ Spirits

Mary Bernhard

Owner, Pepe’s Pizzeria

Tom Haberberger

Owner, Haberberger Disposal

Julie Jackel

Owner, The Crooked Hem

Debra Miller

Owner, Kane Manor Inn

Tammy Zampogna-Liberato

Co-Owner, Flickerwood Wine Cellars

Community Resources

Your business is eligible to receive Kane Gift Certificates. Sold at the Chamber office, Kane Gift Certificates bring new money into Chamber businesses. When your business receives a Kane Gift Certificate, simply deposit the Kane Gift Certificate into your bank as you would a check. It’s easy! Over $13,000 worth of Kane Gift Certificates were sold in the first year! Every gift certificate sold comes with a list of Chamber members, so your business name gets shared with every purchase.

Membership benefits center around networking, marketing, advertising, referrals, brochure distribution, and employee savings. Inquiries received at the Kane Chamber of Commerce are always referred first to our members. Member brochures or flyers are displayed in our office kiosk on a regular rotating basis.

We encourage you to give serious consideration to align your business with many of our area’s strongest businesses and organizations. Once you have made the decision to join or rejoin, please complete the membership application. Dues are based on business type and employee count.

We thank you in advance for your support. Together we make Kane an ideal place to live, work and play! Please call us at 814-837-6565 or email if you have any questions. If you have comments or suggestions, we would love to hear from you!

Membership Application

Business Social Media (please list handle for all that apply)

Non-Profit (churches and tax-exempt organizations): $80

Seasonal: $55

Dues Paying Club: $100


  • School District: $175
  • Institution of Higher Education: $250

Day Care Center/Child Care Provider: $80
Beauty Shop: $60
Home Based Business: $50
Retail and Other Commercial

  • 1-3 FT* employees: $110
  • 4-10 FT* employees: $165
  • 11+ FT* employees: $225

Industrial (manufacturing, timber, oil & gas, etc.)-

  • 1-10 FT* employees: $225
  • 11-50 FT* employees: $275
  • 51-100 FT* employees: $350
  • 101+ FT* employees: $425

Hospital: $350


  • Full service: $350
  • Credit union: $150

Utilities: $350

Professional Office (attorney, doctor, accountants, etc.): $175

Media (newspaper, radio): $175

*2 part-time (PT) employees = 1 full-time (FT) employee

Please make checks out to Chamber of Commerce and return completed application and
payment to:
Kane Chamber of Commerce
63 N. Fraley Street Suite 101
Kane, PA 16735

Kane Gift Certificate Program: As a Chamber Member you are automatically eligible to receive
Kane Chamber Gift Certificates. See attached information and call the chamber with any
questions or to opt out of the program.

Thank you for being part of the Kane Chamber of Commerce! You will receive your membership packet, including the window decal, shortly after you join or renew.

Please sign below to confirm we can have you on our email list to keep you up to date on
events and pertinent information. Membership is one calendar year, unless cancelled in writing.
If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to be in touch! We can be
reached at 814-837-6565 or
Looking forward to working together!