Tomato Soup, crackers, peanut butter and honey sandwich and a brownie! Call 814-837-7120 by Tuesday at noon to reserve your meal for this week!
Rigatoni and homemade sauce with Italian sausage, side salad and garlic bread. Call 814-837-7566 for reservations.
Youth program for ages 6-10 through games and hands on activities. Explore the fascinating world of mammal feet and tracks! Presenter: Lorraine Jacobs of the PSU Extension in McKean County
We are so excited to celebrate the 2024 Citizen of the Year Amanda Lindquist and 2024 Business of the Year The ReSOULed Shop on March 1, 2025 at the Wilds Sonshine Factory! See below for more details and registration information. What: 2024 Citizen & Business of the Year Celebration honoring Amanda Lindquist and The ReSOULed […]
Music by Dagus Dan. Come enjoy great food and drinks and your favorite tunes!
Located at the Chestnut Street Center, presented by the Kane Area Children’s Museum and Bradford Creative and Preforming Arts Center; Sign up at the Kane Chamber office. This is for student’s grade K-5 and is $30. This can be paid in cash or check. You must register and pay in advance. Registration Opens February 3 […]
Guest Bartenders Mike Swartwood, Rick Zampogna, and Bob Rose. Holiday cocktails, and a prize for the person wearing the most green!
Located at Togi’s Playhouse in Bradford, presented by the Kane Area Children’s Museum and Bradford Creative and Preforming Arts Center; Sign up at or call 814-362-2522. This is for student’s grade K-5 and is $30. This can be paid in cash or check. You must register and pay in advance. Registration Opens February 3 […]
Doors open at 5pm and bingo starts at 6pm. BYOB & BYO snacks. Tickets are $35. Tickets can be picked up at the door and there will be tickets available […]
Located at 226 Chestnut St. in Kane; Enjoy an evening of appetizers and drinks at this free event, while learning what we’ve been up to! RSVP requested but not required. This event is for 21+ only.
Join Jillian Chittester for a morning of motivation and accountability when it comes to your fitness and health goals. Learn 10 tips to get on track and leave with an accountability tool that you will be interactive in for the follow-up month. $15.00 What to Bring: Laptop or Pen/Paper Optional! Complimentary Coffee From Root Bar! […]
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