2025 Ice Fishing on the Zoo
Allegheny Reservoir- Kinzua; organized by Paul's Trading Post
Allegheny Reservoir- Kinzua; organized by Paul's Trading Post
Calling all dads, stepdads, papas, uncles, siblings and moms who do it all, join your favorite HeadStart student for a yummy breakfast to celebrate just how special you are!
Calling all dads, stepdads, papas, uncles, siblings and moms who do it all, join your favorite HeadStart student for a yummy breakfast to celebrate just how special you are!
This week is barbequed ham sandwich, chips, coleslaw, and apple crisp. Call 814-837-7120 by noon Tuesday to reserve your meal this week. There is no charge but donations are accepted.
The Elk County Council on the Arts would like to invite the public to this year’s regional Poetry Out Loud competition taking place January 30, 2025 at 6:00 pm at the PA Wilds Media Lab in Kane. A partnership of the National Endowment for the Arts, Poetry Foundation, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, and […]
Serving Homemade Lasagna; Call 814-837-7566 for reservations. Reservations for 5pm and 7pm.
Scalloped Potatoes and Ham, candied carrots, roll and pineapple upside down cake Call 814-837-7120 by Tuesday at noon to reserve your meal this week.
Co-Hosts Flickerwood Wine Cellars and Homemade Holidays; $20 per person to play most rounds. There are prizes every round. Call 814-837-7566 for reservations.
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