Twisted Vine Winery Halloween Bash
Twisted Vine Winery 117 N Fraley St, Kane, PA*Must be 21 to attend Costume Contest, DJ Devo; Bring a Thanksgiving food item to donate to the Kane Food Pantry and receive a glass of twisted vine wine for $2.
*Must be 21 to attend Costume Contest, DJ Devo; Bring a Thanksgiving food item to donate to the Kane Food Pantry and receive a glass of twisted vine wine for $2.
Halloween fun for all ages!
FREE, fun, family, fall event! Enjoy a walk through decorated and lighted hand carved pumpkins and enjoy the scarecrows participating in the contest. Pumpkins provided for those who would like to participate. Rain or shine event! Fill out a form on their Facebook events page if interested in participating in the pumpkin and scarecrow contest.
Live music starts at 7:30!
Costume contest, cocktails, and live music by Tyler Caulkins!
Open store, coffee truck, kids craft, bead bar, tshirt press and more!
Annual fall fest at the Lamont Community Building. This is a FREE event. Kids are encouraged to dress in costumes and participate in costume contest. There will be pumpkin carving […]
Anyone is welcome to attend! Doors open at 5pm.
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